Thursday, August 31, 2006

Cambrian Age of Knowledge Evolution

"Scrap Web 2.0, yes, but embrace Knowledge 2.0 surely by ZDNet's Dana Gardner -- Perhaps I read too much Heinlein and Asimov as a teenager, but the kind of feeling I got reading science fiction then is the same type of feelings I get now while observing the unfolding of Knowledge 2.0. It is awe."

I'm only posting this because he sounds like how I feel like when I am at my most optimistic. I always like to say, we live in very interesting times. Let's make the most of it. :]

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The world is not controlled by fools... it is controlled by VALVE!

Team Fortress Classic 2 is finally coming.

Life as I know it... is about to end.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Future is Controlled by Old Fools

This dude is the chairman of the government entity that determines the future of Internet. How did this happen?

Thursday, August 17, 2006

South Korea: We must have music players in our panties no matter the cost!

"The research and development of smart clothing can't be left up to the market only, because of its high risk. The government has taken the role of offsetting this risk," Hwang Kyu-yearn, an official at the Commerce and Industry Ministry (of South Korea), said... (full article)

Okay... so you're saying that sticking music players into t-shirts is a dubious idea that might not make any money and will probably be a disaster... so let's sink tax dollars into it?? I mean, if they are doing this for cure for AIDS or something I could understand... but what is there to gain in supporting this "high risk" venture? Besides, they already sell underwear you can stick an ipod into right next to your crotch. They sell them in Chelsea Mr Hwang. You mght want to check them out.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Black Book

Sunday, August 13, 2006

XBOX Live Game developement opens to more casual programmers, sort of

BREAKING: Microsoft To Enable User-Created Xbox 360 Games

I am so gonna do this! :D

Friday, August 11, 2006

PS3 vs Wii

Funniest take ever.

Seriously. You have got to watch this.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Here is an interesting article of Internet Grassroots movement and its affect on the Liberman VS Lamont outcome.

Random thoughts

I ran into a blog about procrastination and change that cites studies about heart attack patients and how they have hard time effecting changes in their life style even after such a catastrophic event that exposes the need for the changes. It's easy to look down on these people and go, "man what stupid fat bastards, they can't even stop eating and start exercising when their life is on the line!" But are they so different from the rest of us? Can the things that help these people help us?

The article is very much in tune with what I believe about human nature and why it is so difficult to change, but at the same time realizing that it's not impossible to change. We need to be empowered with the right tools and support to make it happen. Human beings are creatures of habbit and learning to supress bad habbits and creating good ones is the fundamental beginning to creating change.

Let's take a moment to examine all the habbits we have that we'd like to change. Habbit of saying negative things and thinking negative thoughts. Habbit of putting other people down. whatever bad habbit you might have that you've been struggling with. And equally importantly let's think about all the habbits we have that we are proud. Habbit of sticking out for your frends and family. Habbit of being committed to doing the things you said you would. etc etc whatever they may be.

What's most important is to realize that we realize that change is possible, change is neccesary, and that only each of us have the power to change ourselves, but that our friends and family can help!

Life moves forward. Life is good. :]


I always thought what would I do with 500 million dollars (or some ridiculous some of money like that?). Well, here's a thought.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

WiMAX News

Some of you may know I've been waiting for WiMAX like the second coming of Christ. WiMAX will be the flood to wash away the incumbent CRAP that is the cable TV and wireless telecommunication companies. It will make them PAY for their oligapoly inefficiencies and free our homes from their tyrrany.

Here is news that Sprint Nextel is committing to WiMAX technology.

"Gary Forsee, Sprint's chief executive, said the telecom company will spend $1 billion on the network in 2007 and between $1 billion and $2 billion in 2008."

It's no secret that Sprint's getting beat up in the traditional wireless space against the likes of T-Mobile and Verizon. They have all the incentive in the world to bring the WiMAX justice down on them all. This could get interesting.

Friday, August 04, 2006


This is why you have to do something you want to do immediately and not put it off till the future.

Cat and I had always discussed making our way to E3, "the" video game convention.

Well, our opportunity to do that has joined the opportunity to visit the top of the world trade center.

E3, as we know it, no longer exists. Good or bad thing, it is something I should've taken the leap and done it when I had the chance, rather than put it off to the future.

Does anyone know if there is still a Mardi-Gra?

Is there any chance that the grand canyon might collapse in on itself?