Monday, October 23, 2006

Japanese Nike commercial

hilarious self-parody of Nike commercials using Power Ranger cosplayers in Akihabara.
by Nike iD, the people behind Nike + iPod

[via itmedia]

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Heavenly Star

switch here. finally exercising my posting rights on this blog :)

just wanted to share this music video from the Lumines 2 soundtrack.
Heavenly Star by Genki Rockets
co-produced by game creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi himself.

they put it up on youtube too but myspace's is higher quality.
while we're at it, here's a video of him showing off the game (from his japanese blog)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Here's an excellent article on WiMAX and why it's so exciting that Sprint is joining the game. This is the promise of WiMAX. The streets will run red with the blood of the sinners (landline telcos like Verizon, and cable comapnies like Time Warner) and they will be washed away in the biggest telecommunication shake out in history! And this will all happen in the next five years.

Seriously guys. We live in a pretty damn exciting time.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Must See Video #2 - Amazing Musical Talent...

Must See Video #1 - If you've ever played online...

Get this video and more at

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Can the PS3 save Sony?

from Wired

12334234 versus an actual name

Finally Nokia grows a brain.

Gig and I've been talking about this for years. It's impossible to market a Nokia 6600, 7854, 1234 or any of those garbage numbered names. They need to come up with a name for their product that sticks with people. Motorola's done that, and LG's tried that with Chocolate. Finally Nokia's getting the message.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Cambrian Age of Knowledge Evolution

"Scrap Web 2.0, yes, but embrace Knowledge 2.0 surely by ZDNet's Dana Gardner -- Perhaps I read too much Heinlein and Asimov as a teenager, but the kind of feeling I got reading science fiction then is the same type of feelings I get now while observing the unfolding of Knowledge 2.0. It is awe."

I'm only posting this because he sounds like how I feel like when I am at my most optimistic. I always like to say, we live in very interesting times. Let's make the most of it. :]

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The world is not controlled by fools... it is controlled by VALVE!

Team Fortress Classic 2 is finally coming.

Life as I know it... is about to end.